Ink Thinkin

Random thoughts from Dy Larson of Ink Think, freelance editor and copywriter

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Yep, I'm stumped.

I've been writing little company blurbs for a local business' newsletter (all the companies profiled are her clients) and I'm stumped already. On my third one.

I don't know why I have such a mental block on this, other than the fact that everything is very nonspecific. I get most of my material from the client websites, and then do a few in-depth questions for clarification and/or looking for interesting details that may not be online.

For some reason this particular one is driving me nuts! I've had the assignment for about 2 weeks and ~really~ need to get it done.

My problem? My average profile is about 200 words. If I really stretch the material for this one I can come up with 160, but that is really stretched, and, honestly, just some plain old bad writing. I ~need~ to get this done and can't seem to get around the block.



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