Ink Thinkin

Random thoughts from Dy Larson of Ink Think, freelance editor and copywriter

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Big Split

If you've been here before you may have noticed my profile has changed. I also run a couple of personal blogs that, while I am not at all ashamed of them, I prefer not to have them associated with my professional life.

So, after many hours of re-posting blog entries under the new profile and deleting the old ones, I now have a new and improved...well, more politically correct at any rate, biz blog. I'm also an occasional blogger for a business I do some work with, OffAssist, and I do not want my personal opinions, gripes, whines, and lack of political correctness to reflect on them, either.

That reminds me...OA was recently profiled at, here; while I am not in the article, I *am* the brunette in the red shirt in the picture :-)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Job Completed


Now that it's all done I can finally post about a project that has eaten up a fair amount of my time the last few months - Old Nene's Book of Hawaiian Nursery Rhymes has gone to press!

No, I didn't write it or illustrate it, I *drum roll* ~formatted~ it. Part of my extended line of services :-) and I couldn't be happier with the final product.

Check it out at: .

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

New New New Stuff!

I'm not ALL business 'round here, obviously, or I wouldn't have posted my two bits 'bout The Da Vinci Code.

I have been all business lately, though. If I've written original material at all, not just editing, it's been strictly work stuff since my failed NaNo attempt last year.

No More!

I started something new today. Even more daring of me, it's FICTION. Yep, fiction. I'm working on a contest piece with an early May deadline--gotta go type out today's pages now (I draft longhand).