Ink Thinkin

Random thoughts from Dy Larson of Ink Think, freelance editor and copywriter

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Digital Textbooks At Last!

Yes, it's just a trial, but still...

If you Google my name, and if you're thinking of doing business with me I always assume you have, one of the things that comes up is a comment I made on an article about e-books a few years ago.

Basically I was saying that the most logical application I could conceive of for e-books was textbooks. Anyone who has watched a junior high student load 30lbs of books on their back understands why e-books would be the ideal textbook. The older the student, the truer this is since the books only get heavier.

Now, if they would only make e-books cheaper*...

*A friend loaned me her Kindle to play with. LOVE having 40+ books in my hand at once and being able to carry them all around in something lighter than a paperback. HATE how much Amazon is charging for a downloaded file AND the fact that there is no way to borrow books, library-style, for these things. Otherwise I'd beg Santa for one. Right now, if I got it I'd just be annoyed that I was too cheap to put any books on it.

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Na, Nooooooo!

It's October! The morning air is actually crispy and nice feeling for an hour or two before we go back to the Texas usual. The first cool mornings of autumn always make me happy. Then sad when the heat comes back for another 6-8 weeks, lol.

More importantly, October means that is open for the business for the new year in preparation for November which, as we should all know by now since this is my 4th year to blog it, is National Novel Writing Month. I'm signed up again this year, and, since the icon off to the right over there is a live update, it has even already reset for 2008.

Wish me luck? I've never tried NaNo while freelancing and holding down a full-time job; this, like the Chinese curse, is going to be interesting. This year I'm doing what I can only call literary fiction. It might be popular fiction, I'm a little unclear (as are many people, I think) on the line between the two. Guess I'll know in 2 months, right?

Oh, yes, and, speaking of freelancing... I am taking new projects again--strictly project work, mostly small stuff and no long-term commitments... After 6 weeks to adjust, mama is back in the writer's seat again - yee haw!

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