Ink Thinkin

Random thoughts from Dy Larson of Ink Think, freelance editor and copywriter

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Ink Think is shutting down for Fall Break, ya'll. If you are someone I have a current project going with, don't worry - it'll get done, I'm just not seeking out new business or taking new clients at this time.

Thanks & feel free to email me directly if you happen to be one of those people mentioned above.


Friday, September 01, 2006

My Official Favorite Month

I've always had a soft spot for September--probably because it's the month of my birth, but we're not going there :-)

Now, however, it *has* to be my favorite month, because September is :

Be Kind to Writers and Editors Month!

Seeing as how I am both, I'm hoping for double the love (and I really like coffee...if you've got a mind to be really, really kind).

Well, okay, I just found that out when I went looking to verify the day of my honest-to-goodness favorite obscure holiday of all time....

International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th)

I love this holiday--who doesn't want to be a pirate for the day once a year? Say yes, the grammar guru in me *really* needs the day off!

Happy September, ya'll!