Ink Thinkin

Random thoughts from Dy Larson of Ink Think, freelance editor and copywriter

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Paper or Plastic?

For your book, that is.

No, not what it's in, what it's made OF.

Check out this article at about a new environmental book printed on recyclable plastic.

Me? I'm a closet greenie, so I think it's a great idea.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Content is King, Again

"Content is King" has been a byword for web marketing on and off for the last several years. With the increasing popularity of "web 2.0" (an appellation that appalls me--it's the same web it's always been, folks!) and Flash, the importance of good text has gotten away from people.

Just ask the hotel folks. Their own industry publications are telling them they need better, more organic keyword-driven and sales generating web content, as seen in this article.

If you're a hotelier bent on taking this advice to heart, remember yours truly is a copywriter with years of hospitality experience ;-)

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Writers for Homeland Security

I have to say, though, that I think they tapped the wrong kind of writers for this. Sure, sci-fi writers are unconventional thinkers, and all the ones in the group mentioned in the article have doctoral degrees in some branch of the sciences, but still... I would have tapped the military/political thriller writers first.

I am quite sure I am not the only Tom Clancy fan who read "Debt of Honor" (1994) and thought "I am SO glad I am not him!" on 9/11. Talk about predictions... *shudder*
