Ink Thinkin

Random thoughts from Dy Larson of Ink Think, freelance editor and copywriter

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Modern Arght

I'm not really a huge fan of modern art, preferring Impressionism to Surrealism, and Caravaggio to Klimt. Yes, I know those aren't overly modern examples, but most truly modern art, pretty much anything 20th century, leaves me scratching my head and wondering whether or not my 6yo had at it while I wasn't looking.

This, though. THIS, I love. The sculpture is by Olafur Eliasson and installed at KPMG headquarters in Munich, Germany.

The first link is to the sculptor's portfolio with its little tiny pictures. The second is to a blog with much better pictures.

I think I love this sculpture mostly for the ironic conjunction of title and form. It's called "Rewriting" and seems to personify how rewriting feels. Now that I've blathered, go look at the pictures :-)

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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Seeking out... New markets?

Apparently the world is not enough for Doritos.

In June 2008, Frito Lay, the parent company of Doritos, is sponsoring the first ever interstellar advertisement.

Once you stop laughing (or maybe that was just me), you can check out the full article at Science Daily.

The star system they are aiming for is about 42 light years away and scientists theorize that some of its planets may support life forms similar to those on Earth. At 84 years round-trip, not including time to pack and plan, it seems a rather long ROI for Frito Lay.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Out of the Office

I AM the Mommy.

This Thursday that means I am the chauffeur, the hand-holder, the snuggler, the security blanket, the snack deliverer, and the pain med administrator.

My daughter is having foot surgery Thursday morning (3/6/08) , so I will be out for the day.
